Ozark Greenways

Let's Go Smart: Transportation Collaborative

Let’s Go Smart: Transportation Collaborative
Promoting a Transportation System That is Safe and Convenient for Everyone


Join the Let's Go Smart Transportation Collaborative, which meets monthly on the 1st Wednesday, 11 am -12 pm, at the Community Partnership of the Ozarks (330 N. Jefferson Avenue) in the main conference room. To get involved, contact Sarah Osmer, Director of Community Collaboratives, at sosmer@cpozarks.org or call 417-888-2020. Be sure to check out the Let's Go Smart Facebook page too. 

This collaborative advocates and educates to create connections between people, jobs, and community through multiple modes of transportation. The group brings together stakeholders in the community to help create a transportation system that is safe and efficient for travel by car, public transit, bicycle, foot, or wheelchair. In addition to community members, we also have support from the City of Springfield, City Utilities, Ozark Greenways, Community Partnership of the Ozarks, MoDOT, and Ozarks Transportation Organization.


- Promote connectivity and accessibility
- Support and assist with the Bike Sharing Program
- Promote and support Bike, Walk & Wheel Week
- Promote ozarkscommute.org and letsgosmart.org
- Develop and implement a local Transportation Reimbursement & Information Program (TRIP)
- Encourage the expansion of the MSU Bearline to the Transit Center
- Reinforce the Transit Center as a hub
- Facilitate progress on the Transportation Task Force recommendations
- Identify opportunities for cross-collaboration with other Collaboratives



We rely on the enthusiasm and financial support of the community.

Learn more about how you can help
© 2025 Ozark Greenways Built by Demi Creative