Ozark Greenways


Goats Lend a Hoof Along the Frisco Highline Trail

Category Spotlight On | Posted on October 14, 2021

GOATS to lend a hoof towards vegetation control along the Frisco Highline Trail  starting October 18, 2021.

A small herd of 10 goats will be grazing a small section of the Frisco Highline Trail corridor in Willard, MO as a form of vegetation control.  The goats will start at approximately Mile Marker 6.8 and work their way up the trail during the months of October and November.  Please feel free to stop and watch their progress, but remember a few things:

  • Respect the herders and listen to what they say, they are here to keep the animals safe and need your cooperation.
  • Do not touch the electric fencing as you will get shocked.
  • Please do not try to pet the goats, the goats are working animals and not pets.
  • Always keep dogs on leash while on the trail.
  • Please remember good trail etiquette and slowdown in the work zone.

The Greenway Goat Gang project is a collaboration between Ozark Greenways, who is the landowner/manager, Willard Parks and Recreation, and local hobby homesteaders Paige and Jake Berger.  Ozark Greenways and Willard Parks and Recreation will utilize goats to avoid spraying toxic and harmful herbicides as a method of maintaining the corridor and building soil health.  The herd will be contained by electric fencing as they work their way along the trail.  Goats eat a variety of brushy and weedy species in a relatively short time, including noxious weeds, and brush that could fuel wildfires.  Their efforts help with erosion control along rivers, fence lines, and trail corridors, to name a few.  The process will enrich the soil, improving its texture so it uses water more efficiently and allows oxygen to reach the plant roots.  The presence of goats also provides a natural source of nitrogen and other nutrients.  The Goat Gang resides in Springfield, so they will be able to sleep in their own barn at night. 

For more information, please contact John Montgomery and check Ozark Greenways’ website and social media outlets. 

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